That and that. Maybe more still.

Posted by: Dena Mehling on Monday, June 02, 2014 Categories:
I'm feeling sort of like checking out. Falling off the grid and *gasp* deactivating my accounts.

I want to read a book that I can't get enough of.  It's been awhile since I stumbled onto one of those.

I think this salted caramel trend might be my favorite thing ever.

It's never good when Pinterest tells you that you've already pinned something and you didn't realize it.

I accidentally gave the Big One a caffeinated drink from Starbucks.  Oops.

I need new sneakers. 

I wonder if Aqua-Lox would work on my razor burn, downstairs edition.

I had to chase the dog around the backyard this morning.  She wouldn't come in.  I made a barricade to block her.  It was a scene from Les Miserables in my yard.

1 comment:

  1. your randomness makes me feel normal, thanks
